
Aug 6, 2012

Not making of Ottoman, Not being selected twice

Ottoman Stool'un yapilamama hikayesini
karikaturu ve tasarim bienaline
yaptigim basarisiz basvuru ustte.

Aug 4, 2012

Susurluk or why da hell have I not been selected for Design Bienal

The designer misreads Kusurluluk brief, as Susurluk and designs
the worlds greatest Ayran making machine homage to Susurluk
region. The white foamy drink supposed to run from the start
of bienal till the end, made from worlds finest yogurt, now waits
till some visionary misionary...

May 20, 2011

Article: The Rise of Young Turk Coiffeurism and Hairdressing in the Region of St Johns' Wood, London

In the recent years, St John's Wood, a nw of London, has seen significant rise in Turkish Coiffeurs and Salons in this posh neighbourhood, once famous for its chocolatiers, cute little cafe's and bookshops, are now long gone, instead left with shampoo smell, sound of hairdryers and flying cosmic hair balls, and mature woman charmed by these Turks.
This interview's aim's to find more about these young Turk Coiffeurs from east, and hear their success stories that might inspire others to start a similar Journey in future.

First, we ll hear from Abbas Scissorhands

Y:Abbas,Is Scissorhands your stage name? Or you have changed it?
A: Changed it, originally it was hacidedeoglu, and no one understood it so i ve renamed myself
Y: Clever, So I hear that u have originally studied Mechanical Engineering, why r u not doing that
A: This is much more fun mate
Y:Well done. Do u do american style cut?
A: We dont do men.
Y: Who is ur favourite hair dresser?
A: Moss. Who is urs?
Y: I dont really know...Sorry I should really ask the questions.
A:Ok, Go on
Y: Do u chat to ur customers,Or not really?
A: Mostly, they talk and I just ask questions..You got to keep ur eye on the ball, otherwise u might cut too short or too long
Y: I know wot u mean, the other day, I went for a shave, the berber cut my chin with a razor, and it bleed for hours. Do u think I ll have a scar?
A: It doesnt look like the cut is too deep, so u might be lucky.
Y: Jesus Man, you guys are like surgeons, our life is sometimes in ur hands.
A: Tru Man, dont fuk with a berber, razor is mightier than sword...
Y: Wot? Tell me smt,Why are woman obsessed with hair?
A: Cause.. To be continued...

Feb 20, 2011

Skiing at Mount Pleasant, London

The area on which Royal Mail Mount Pleasant

now stands was originally openfields on rising ground above

The River Fleet. In the18th century a Cold Spring on the site

reputed to have great medicinal properties which attracted

many bathers.The site became now as Cold Bath Fields, however

the fields were later used as rubbish tip which more than a hint

of sarcasm became known as Mount Pleasant.

In 1790 site was cleared to make new way for a new prison

before closing in 1880.